Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Mountain of Giants

One of the most well-known and beloved stories of the Old Testament is the story of David, a young shepherd boy, slaying the giant, Goliath, a seasoned warrior. This story is such an integral part of the Old Testament that it was included in "The Bible" mini-series on the History Channel.
However, there is an equally impressive story in Joshua 14. It may even be more impressive. And yet, sadly, there aren't many Christians who are familiar with this story.
In Joshua 14, as the Israelites were conquering and dividing the land of Canaan, Caleb came to Joshua with the following request:
"And now, behold, the Lord has kept me alive, as He has said, these 45 years, ever since the Lord spoke the word to Moses while Israel wandered in the wilderness; and now, here I am this day, 85 years old. As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in. Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day; for you heard in that day how the Anakim were there, and that the cities were great and fortified. It may be that the Lord will be with me, and I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord said" (Josh. 14:10-12).
Now, the "anakim" were a race of giants (Num. 13:33). With that in mind, here we have an 85 year old man asking permission to conquer and possess a mountain of giants. David slew one giant with a sling and a stone, but Caleb was willing to take on a whole mountain of them. One might point out that the Anakim had diminished in number from the time that Caleb had first spotted them 40 years earlier, but we know that there were at least three of them left according to Joshua 15:14. So even still, you have a young man (David) taking on one giant versus an old man (Caleb) taking on multiple giants. That's pretty impressive!
Was it bravado or testosterone that motivated Caleb to take on such a task? Was it a desire for glory and fame? Was he seeking an adrenaline rush? Not at all! Based on verse 12, it was his unyielding faith in God. By way of contrast, the Israelites failed to utterly destroy all the inhabitants of the land, but here is one man - an older man - taking on a mountain of giants.
Dear reader, whether you're facing one giant or a mountain of giants, continue to press forward with your mind's eye trained on the power and might of your God! Nothing is impossible for Him.

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